Identification of CRISPR arrays and Cas proteins in user submitted sequences.
The CRISPRCasFinder was used to perform the analysis.
Enter Query Sequence
Paste one sequence below (5'->3', string of ACGTNacgtn -- Ns are accepted, IUB/GCG letters (MRWSYKVHDBX) will be converted to Ns. Any other characters will be deleted). FASTA format ok. NOTE: Sequence should not be longer than 2Mb.

CRISPR Advanced Settings
Minimal Repeat Length:
Maximal Repeat Length:
Minimal Spacers size in function of Repeat size:
Maximal Spacers size in function of Repeat size:
Maximal allowed percentage of similarity between Spacers:
Percentage mismatchs allowed between Repeats:
Percentage mismatches allowed for truncated Repeat:
Size of Flanking regions in base pairs (bp) for each analyzed CRISPR array: