The TCMKE Q&A system utilizes the knowledge graph dataset as background data. It maps user questions to Cypher query statements in the knowledge graph based on the questions' content. The system constructs and executes Cypher queries in the Neo4j database to retrieve relevant nodes and relationships from the knowledge graph. These nodes and relationships are then assembled into natural language answers and displayed to the user through the front-end interface.
1.Currently the system only supports Q&A on constructed knowledge graph data.
2.Currently only Chinese language Q&A is supported.
3. You can ask questions similar to the following.
(1) 气血亏虚证的症状有哪些?
(2) 下元虚冷证的症状有哪些?
(3) 五味木香丸能治疗哪些疾病呢?
(4) 前列安通片所用的中药成分有哪些?
(5) 安息香的靶点有哪些?
(6) 2-Hexanone靶点有哪些?